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October 1, 2021 Weight Loss

Although the technology is not new, pedometers are easier to use than ever and perhaps more popular than ever thanks to devices like the FitBit and iPhone Watch. This also means it’s easier than ever to track the number of steps you walk in a single day.

These fitness tracking devices tend to suggest taking around 10,000 steps a day — but can walking that many steps actually make a difference for a person’s health?


Do You Need to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day?

While walking 10,000 steps a day certainly has its benefits, you can still receive health benefits from walking less than 10,000 steps each day. In fact, the 10,000 step recommendation is not rooted in science — it comes from a marketing campaign for the first commercial pedometer. This device, sold in 1965 in Japan, is the Manpo-kei, which translates to “10,000 steps meter.” The number apparently stuck, as it’s the same number the FitBit and other smartwatches and similar pedometer devices use to this day.

A Harvard Medical School study found that 4,400 steps a day can significantly lower the risk of death of women in their 70s compared to walking around 2,700 steps a day. This risk leveled off at 7,500 steps a day, with no other benefits from step counts higher than that number.

In sum: No, you don’t need to walk 10,000 steps a day, but getting about half of that famous 10,000 steps has its benefits.


Does 10,000 Steps Count as Exercise?

Although the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity, low-intensity exercise still has its benefits. Taking daily steps can contribute to your 150 minutes of activity per week.


Has Anyone Lost Weight Walking 10,000 Steps a Day? Is Walking 10,000 Steps Enough to Lose Weight?

People who walk 10,000 steps a day are more likely to lose weight than people who walk 3,500 steps daily — after all, they are burning more calories by adding a few extra miles to their daily routine. However, walking may not be the most effective means to lose weight on its own. Knowing your body composition and genetic information from a DNA test as well as eating a healthier diet can contribute to weight loss by walking daily. Keep in mind the intensity of how fast you walk can also determine how many calories you can burn from walking.

Exhausted by endless workouts with no results? Sign up to get my 5 Weight Loss Tips and 5-day email course, free.


What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 10,000 Steps a Day?

Increasing physical activity, such as adding more steps to your step count, is generally beneficial to your health. Benefits include:


Burning more calories and fat

Walking 10,000 steps a day can burn more calories. Research at the University of Texas suggests walking less than 5,000 steps a day negatively affects your body’s ability to metabolize fat from the following day.


Reducing risks of chronic illnesses and death

As mentioned earlier, walking anywhere from 4,400 to 7,500 steps per day can decrease the risk of death as we grow older. Walking helps strengthen and maintain our immune systems, therefore reducing the chance of developing dementia, heart disease, and some types of cancers. Walking can also improve conditions like type 2 diabetes.


Improving mental health

Walking every day doesn’t just improve your physical health; it can also improve your mental health. Adding some extra steps each day can be incredibly helpful for people struggling with anxiety and depression and other mental health issues.


Take the First Step Toward a Healthier Life with Lifelong Metabolic Center

Lifelong Metabolic Center is here to help you along your weight loss journey. We’ll help you keep the weight off for good, as our weight loss program goes deeper than most. We offer support through coaching and check-ins. Our program includes a DNA test and body composition analysis to determine how to shed those unwanted pounds and keep them off for life.

If you’re ready to take the step toward a healthier, happier lifestyle, contact us today for more information.


September 2, 2021 Weight Loss

What is Body Composition Analysis?

Body composition analysis is a measurement that divides the body into individual components — body fat, muscle, bone, lean tissue, and water — to determine exactly what makes up your body. Body composition analysis can help you better understand your body weight. For example, you may be gaining weight during parts of your weight loss journey, but it may not be for the reasons you think. You may be burning fat and gaining muscle. Because muscle weighs more than fat, the scale will read that you weigh more.

Body composition analysis is far more accurate than a body mass index (BMI) and can give you a clearer picture of where you are at in terms of making your weight loss goals. This also serves as a good reminder that gaining a few pounds on the scale does not necessarily mean you’re unhealthy or going back to where you started. 

Need help navigating weight loss obstacles? Sign up to get my 5 Weight Loss Tips and 5-day email course, free.

The most effective weight loss programs are not focused on diets and losing weight — it’s about weight management and creating a healthier lifestyle.


How Do You Measure Body Composition?

The average bathroom scale cannot properly analyze your body composition. Thankfully, there are several different ways to do so.


Skinfold Measurements

Skinfold measurement is a technique used to estimate how much fat is on the body. Specialized devices called calipers lightly pinch the skin in a few different places. Skinfold measuring is one of the oldest and most common body composition analysis methods; however, it is not the most accurate one out there. For the most accurate results with skinfold measurements, it’s important to have a health professional with a great deal of experience perform this method.


Bioelectrical Impedance

Bioelectrical impedance sends a small electrical current through your body to measure your body composition. This measurement requires a specialized scale or handheld device. Fat, lean tissue, and water are read differently with the electrical current, meaning it gives you a general picture of your body fat index. However, it is still a more effective and far more accurate measurement compared to a BMI.



A DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan takes bone density into consideration. This body composition analysis is performed in a doctor’s office and uses an X-ray. It can track changes in weight caused by issues like osteoporosis or weight management issues.


Hydrostatic Weighing

Hydrostatic weighing requires you to fully submerge yourself under water. When you come back up from being underwater, the water will be move and be displaced. To calculate body composition from the water displacement, a professional measures the water displacement and combines your bone density measurement that is done prior to the hydrostatic weighing.


Air Displacement

Similar to hydrostatic weighing, air displacement measures the displacement of air in a specialized medical pod.


What is the Most Accurate Test for Body Composition?

For the most accurate results of a body composition analysis, you have to combine some of these methods. With hydrostatic weighing, you have to already know how much of your body weight comes from your bones. That information can be gathered from a DEXA scan or bioelectrical impedance. Likewise, you can’t get all of the information about your muscles or bones from skinfold measurements, as it measures fat.

For at-home body composition analysis, we recommend bioelectrical impedance. These scales are more affordable than you may think; they also are able to measure more than one part of body composition.


Contact Lifelong Metabolic Center for More Information

At Lifelong Metabolic Center, we don’t just rely only on BMI, which can be an inaccurate measurement when it comes to weight. We use body composition analysis to create a fuller, clearer, and more accurate picture of your body. Body composition analysis, along with DNA testing, is just one part of what makes our weight management program effective. We don’t just focus on one aspect of weight loss. We focus on the whole picture, guiding you toward a healthier lifestyle that will keep the weight off.

For more information about our weight loss program, contact us today.


July 7, 2021 Weight Loss

What is a Nutritionist?

A nutritionist is an expert in the field of food and nutrition. Nutritionists work in several different types of settings, from clinical nutrition to community nutrition to high specific areas of study (i.e., sports nutritionists and pediatric nutritionists).


What is the Difference Between a Dietician and Nutritionist?

The main difference between a dietician and nutritionist is education. Dietitians undergo extensive training to earn the credentials of Registered Dietitian (RD) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). These credentials are interchangeable, so dietitians can have one or the other. 

In the United States, RDs require an undergraduate degree in science that cover courses in biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and more specialized nutrition-related work, as well as a master degree to qualify for a board examination.

Nutritionists do not require certifications, but people who consider themselves qualified nutritionists do share some similar backgrounds with RDs. This means they, too, should have an undergraduate degree in science and study similar courses as RDs.

Dr. Amanda Borre, who runs Lifelong Metabolic Center out of Naperville, Illinois, has a degree in chiropractic. During her time studying chiropractic at Logan Chiropractic, she studied biology, chemistry, anatomy, and even nutrition. She, like other reputable medical experts in her field, is required to undergo 150 hours of education every 3 years, and nutrition is a large part of her education.

Sign up to get her 5 Weight Loss Tips and 5-day email course, free.


Do I Need a Nutritionist to Lose Weight?

No, you do not need a nutritionist or a dietician in order to properly lose weight. But it is a good idea to have a medical professional who has studied nutrition and weight loss strategies if you want to lose weight. Why? They can help you stay on track and make sure you are losing weight in a safe and healthy manner. Over the course of your weight loss journey, Dr. Borre will check in on you on a regular basis, encouraging you and making sure all is going smoothly.


Where Can I Find a Weight Loss Coach or Nutritionist Near Me?

If you’re located in Naperville, Illinois, or any of the nearby Chicago suburbs, Lifelong Metabolic Center is here to help! Even if you aren’t local, Lifelong Metabolic Center offers remote weight loss programs, too, so you can start your weight loss journey from anywhere in the world with us.

Although Lifelong Metabolic Center is owned and operated by Dr. Amanda Borre, a chiropractor with a doctorate from Logan Chiropractic (from which she earned nutrition credits), she has been specializing in nutrition since 2015. Her experience, however, goes further back than that. Following her graduation from Logan Chiropractor in 2002, Dr. Borre went on to work in private chiropractic practice from 2003 to 2012, where she worked with patients using several different forms of nutrition and weight loss.

Dr. Borre seeks to stay up-to-date with the most relevant and accurate nutrition and weight loss and furthers her knowledge with an additional 150 hours of education every 3 years.

For more information, contact Lifelong Metabolic Center today.


June 1, 2021 Weight Loss

What is a Calorie Deficit?

A calorie deficit refers to consuming fewer calories than the number of calories your body burns in a day. When you are at a deficit, your body will burn your reserves, otherwise known as body fat.

Conversely, if you consume more calories than you burn, the excess calories will most likely be converted to fat and lead to weight gain.

Being at a calorie deficit is one of the facets of the Lifelong Metabolic Center weight loss program, and it helps people lose weight in a safe, healthy way. We combine being at a deficit with food cycling-periods of intermittent fasting coupled with periods of “grazing.”

A calorie deficit will only take you so far. The quality of food matters, too. You can eat 200 calories of chicken or 200 calories of Snickers, but they are processed very differently in your body. 

At Lifelong Metabolic Center, we give you high-quality, anti-inflammatory and low glycemic foods during our jump start program to help you lose weight and feel great!


How Can I Achieve a Calorie Deficit to Lose Weight?

During the jump start portion of the program we give you a specific food list to choose from. All of the foods are anti-inflammatory and low glycemic. This keeps you at a deficit but also maintains your blood sugar and insulin levels for a nice steady stream of energy to get you through the day.


What are Some of the Biggest Obstacles to Getting a Calorie Deficit?


It’s easy to slip back into old habits and snack on things we shouldn’t. Lifelong Metabolic Center can help you stay on track with daily text check-ins, regular phone calls, or Facetime visits, and make sure you’re eating the right things for you with a list of recommended foods. Our supplements help you feel fuller so you’ll be less likely to indulge in those tempting snacks.

Are you struggling with snacking? Sign up to get my 5 Weight Loss Tips and 5-day email course, free.


Not Food Journaling

If you’re not keeping track of the foods you have eaten, then you will not know for sure if you are truly on track. But a food journal can help! In fact, a recent study showed the group that journaled lost twice as much weight as the group who did not. It’s a powerful psychological tool and so easy to do.

There are many calorie counting calculators and apps out there that can help you keep track of how many calories you’ve consumed and can give you an idea of how many you’re burning each day, but it’s also important to get the right foods in, not just the calories.

Please do your best to keep track of your daily food intake if you’ve been asked to do so. If you’ve slipped up, be honest about it! It can help us make sure we can get you back on track with your program and lose weight as quickly and safely as possible.


Contact Lifelong Metabolic Center today

If you need help on your weight loss journey or want to start getting on the weight loss path, Lifelong Metabolic Center is here to help! We have weight loss programs that are personalized based on your needs, including a DNA test for lifelong maintenance. You don’t have to be in the Naperville, Illinois, neighborhood to participate in our weight loss program; it can be done from anywhere. We’ll keep you motivated and on track. We are here to support you 100%. For more information about Lifelong Metabolic Center’s weight loss program, contact us today!


April 30, 2021 Weight Loss

Weight Loss Myths and Questions We Hear From Clients

Although weight loss seems simple at first glance, there are many myths and misconceptions about the weight loss process.

Here are a handful of weight loss myths and questions we’ve heard at Lifelong Metabolic Center and our explanations of why they’re myths and answers to questions.


I’m too old to lose weight.

Nonsense! You are never too late to start losing weight, and thankfully our program works for anyone at any age.


My metabolism is all messed up, so I can never lose weight.

Our weight loss program resets your metabolism through the use of all-natural supplements and food cycling, so your metabolism won’t be “messed up,” and you’ll have an easier time losing weight as a result.


I eat right and exercise, but I never lose any weight.

elderly man exercises with resistance band for weight loss program

Don’t fret! Even if you are eating healthily and exercising regularly, it’s possible you aren’t eating the right amount for your body to successfully lose weight and maintain the loss of that weight. 

That’s why we do a 4-phase jump start system that involves DNA testing to help you determine a custom set of macros for lifelong healthy weight maintenance


Is losing weight a linear process?

Sometimes, but not always. That’s why a coach is important. All along your weight loss journey, we check your weight (daily in phases 1 and 2, weekly in phase 3, and monthly in phase 4) and make modifications based on your rate of weight loss and what your body is showing us you need in order to make your weight loss goals.

Sometimes we don’t need to make changes, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need someone to encourage you, especially if you start to plateau.


Can supplements help you lose weight?

Absolutely! Lifelong Metabolic Center’s supplements help you feel great while you’re on our program so you’ll want to continue. Not only will you feel great, you’ll also lose weight. Our supplements help with energy, sleep, appetite suppression, and digestion.

Are you worried about losing weight safely? Sign up to get my 5 Weight Loss Tips and 5-day email course, free, to learn how you can safely and effectively lose weight, and more!

Do carbs make you gain weight?

As long as you’re eating the right amount and right types of carbs, no, they do not make you gain weight. But the wrong amount — and especially high amounts of processed carbs — can certainly contribute to weight gain.


Start Your Weight Loss Journey with Us Today

At Lifelong Metabolic Center, we strive to make our weight loss program easy to understand. It’s created to be effective for anyone at any age or stage of life. Whether you’re 21 or 81, we will build you a one-of-a-kind weight loss program using DNA testing, supplements, and coaching.

Contact us today for more information about our program and how to get started.


Results May Vary: Causes for being overweight or obese vary from person to person. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss results will also vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


1220 Hobson Rd., Suite 216
Naperville IL 60540

(630) 228-1372


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